CEO’s Message

I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website. I’m a very proud owner of what my staff, or my sailors, has accomplished.

We have seen many changes and different directions in our industry but we have stayed on course.


As a major advocate of ISO 9001:2015, we strive for quality and continual improvement.

I have been the skipper of this large sailboat with sailors who provide 100% satisfaction to you for almost 4 decades and I have decided to step back as of January 2020 and let some of my senior crew members take over the helm.

Penni Boxall who started in the accounting department, became the Manager of Information Technology and has helped guide the company’s growth with her expertise in numerous areas of the business side is now Sure Flow’s President.

John Zuber whose product expertise and sales experience has helped us maintain an on-going great relationship with so many customers will guide Sure Flow’s sales direction as Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Justin LeBlanc who has guided the engineering and design side of our fabrication business through numerous technology implementations and quality certifications is now Vice President of Engineering and Design.

Sailors have their “ship mates.” During the course of my career I have had great employees and friends; too many to list them all.

I will highlight a few of them. When ‘the mast is down’ and we have to get on course, John Hamilton always comes through. He is the Supervisor of the Screen Department and is quick to tell me, “We will get it done.”

Danny, Vern, Brad and Bob will come in at 3:30 AM to get something done on time

Now that’s a ship!

Without my sailors Sure Flow would not be the Company it is today and I am happy to be turning over command to such an exceptional crew.