We have highlighted a number of charitable activities that Sure Flow employees participate in at Sure Flow.

These include the YMCA Cycle-For-Kids, https://www.sureflowequipment.com/cycling-strong-kids-spring/ the Annual Christmas Food Drive https://www.sureflowequipment.com/sharing-good-fortune-sure-flow-holiday-food-drive/ and a local Community Dinner https://www.sureflowequipment.com/sure-flow-equipment-part-of-many-communities/

Some employees also get involved in similar activities in their spare time. V. P. Sales and Marketing John Zuber stands out in this capacity and he sets the bar very high for charitable work.

On top of organizing many of the activities at Sure Flow, John has become involved with the Parkview Church, Street Mission. Like so many urban cores, Hamilton Ontario has many people who are not currently sharing the benefits of a healthy economy.

On Wednesday nights, John helps with the Street Mission. This mission provides individuals with bread, sandwiches, pizzas, hot food, dessert and other donated items like cookies, crackers, salads, clothing and household supplies. Needless to say, this is a huge help for the people who participate, and the Street Mission serves about 800 people a month.

Here’s a photo of John Zuber, 4th from the left in the green t-shirt, cooking up some hot food to serve with other members of the Street Mission.

John’s commitment to help less fortunate individuals is contagious and in this picture, you see David Emigh from Sure Flow getting hot food ready.

With short sleeves and the glow of the lights, there really is a warm feeling to these images. Of course they were taken on a lovely August evening. The reality of this though is that the Parkview Street Mission works 12 months of the year, and it’s always a much tougher image in the depths of a northern winter.

John always stresses that regardless of the temperature or how desperate the circumstances of those who attend the Street Mission, they are always extremely respectful and appreciative.

As John Zuber has shared his work with other members of the Sure Flow team, he recently showed some images of some of the Mission clients. These are people without a home, who sleep in the streets.

When Sure Flow CEO John Wordsworth saw these images he immediately got involved. He has ordered a large number of sleeping bags to be provided to the Mission to help these individuals get through the coming cold months.

The human instinct to help others is powerful and it’s at work here on many levels.

We are a quite in awe of John Zuber’s hard work with the Parkview Street Mission and John Wordsworth’s generosity to help with winter preparations. This is an important story and we will provide an update as soon as the sleeping bags begin being distributed.