The information about the CoVid19 pandemic continues to change quickly and the current recommendations continue to evolve accordingly.

Sure Flow Equipment has always prided itself on its level of community engagement and this health challenge is no different.

We continue to constantly monitor the latest available information and plot our strategy accordingly.

We are currently monitoring the most up-to-date recommendations as provided by The Government of Canada.

With that in mind we have suspended all business travel outside of the country or by plane within Canada. We will continue to maintain a high level of customer contact through all electronic means including video conferencing if customers require.

We had some members of our sales team out consulting with customers recently and they are self-monitoring to ensure they are symptom free.

We are ensuring that all Sure Flow employees are aware of the latest information about the outbreak. We are reminding them to try and maintain ‘social distancing’ of ideally 2 metres between themselves and other employees, as well as customers and suppliers.

We are encouraging frequent hygiene, as well as sneeze and cough etiquette.

We are ensuring that any employee who may feel ill must stay home, and will be discussing how best to assist them if they do become ill.

In our office areas our desks are at least 6 feet or more apart.  We are now working on two shifts in the weld area so all employees will have an empty station between them. This allows us to continue with full production while ensuring optimal social distancing and safety for employees.

We have a dedicated group of team players at Sure Flow so we are fortunate that many of our key positions have personnel cross-trained to allow them to step in and assume those responsibilities if necessary.

We have increased the number of hand sanitizers and wipes available to employees and have increased our cleaning, in particular high-touch surfaces such as phones, computers and door knobs.

We are limiting our building to employees only, unless the visit is pre arranged and essential. The visitor must fill out our visitor questionnaire and it must be accepted by management, only then will they be allowed access the facilities.

At this time none of our employees are exhibiting any symptoms of CoVid19 but we will continue to do everything in our power to ensure this continues. Should this change in any way we are ready to take whatever action is required.