The Sureflow Blog

Great Fishing

Here’s my nephew Michael fishing in Mexico. Well a Sea Lion jumped in his boat to have some lunch! They are enjoying their Holidays in the warmth. We at Sure Flow want to thank you for your loyal support and wish you a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Our office...

Strainer for a Mexico Siesta

Well, our customer needed their order of Dual Basket Strainers on site before the December holiday break. The team at Sure Flow Worked extremely hard to complete this job. They assembled, tested, and painted this huge 16" x 24" DB150 Dual Basket Strainer in time to...

Season Greeting from Sureflow

Well Santa has not arrived yet. Here Gunner my black Labrador retriever and I in front of the sure flow Christmas tree. Gunner almost is strong and of course love to swim, and like all labs devours food. Gunner monitors our warehouse of Basket Strainers, Y-Strainers,...

East Coast Intake Strainer

Are you Familiar with the East Coast of Canada? This coast encompasses some of the worlds largest/highly profitable oil rigs and barges. Some may recognize the names of White Rose, Hibernia or Hebron. Sure Flow’s deep relationships, hard work and reliability makes...

Mr. Ed – At Your Service

At Sure Flow, we do not only make Baskets/Screens out of Perforated Metal and Mesh, we also make HORSES. To protect my farms from any intruders, I instructed the talented employees at Sure Flow to build me a life-size horse which is sure to scare away predators and...


Well, here's an old photo of me and Jessica, my daughter. Time moves along and brings us to reminisce about all our long-time customers. We value our business relationships and thank you for your continued loyalty. As you know, I will not compromise on quality....

Horse in Motion

Well here is my daughter, Jessica Wordsworth, busy constructing the largest stainless steel horse ever! It will be displayed at my farm in Northern Ontario. Assisting Jessica with this project is John Hamilton who has been with Sure Flow for almost thirty years. We...

The Warrior!

I have had many pet companions during my life. Milo is a fighter, as we are at Sure Flow. He has gone through five operations and is soon to undergo the next! I love my darn dogs. There's no room on our bed at night! We at Sure Flow thank you for your support. We...

Titanium – Tamer of the Sea!

A well respected customer required a strainer to filter sea water on an oil drilling platform in the Atlantic Ocean. The strainer had to withstand the harsh conditions, and highly corrosive salt water. As shown in the picture, Sure Flow came through with a custom...

Super-Sized Cone on a Hot Day

The 42 inch 300% Cone Strainer in the picture is to be used as a line cleaning strainer for a high pressure Gas pipeline Designed for a very high differential pressure to protect the gas compressor from foreign material damage. The guide ring will aid the operators...