The Sureflow Blog

First Aid at Sure Flow

In keeping with Sure Flow's commitment to provide a safe work environment for all employees, the work of the Health and Safety Committee is strongly endorsed and is further complemented by encouraging all employees to participate in St. John Ambulance First Aid...

Sharing Words of Wisdom

Mayonnaise and 2 Cups of Coffee When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When...

Windermere Good as Gold Open 2007

During the course of my career, I have been fortunate to be able to support fundraising efforts of many organizations. My family came from England to Canada when I was very young. My Dad had only $80.00 in his pocket when we arrived! Mum, Dad and my big sister, Hazel,...

And Now They’re Gone

As referenced in my Blog entry of May 10, 2007, a family of "Canadian Geese" migrate to our facility every year and this year built their nest near our front door. Both parents, but especially the gander, zealously guarded their roosting spot filled with six newly...

Rubber Lined Wafer / Double Door Check Valve

Sure Flow maintains the most extensive line of Check Valves in the market today. We offer sizes from 2" to 60" - ANSI Class 125, 150 and up to 2500 -- in Cast Iron, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel and exotic materials, eg. Titanium, Super Duplex Stainless and Cupro...

They’re Back!

If you refer to my blog of Friday, June 16, 2006, entitled "Times Fly By", you will view a family of "Canadian Geese" who migrate to our facility every year. This year they have decided to nest right on our parking lot directly at the beginning of the sidewalk to our...


On April 26, 2007, my big sister, Hazel Joy Coburn, was laid to rest in the Greenwood Cemetery in Georgetown A very moving service was conducted by Reverend Paul Ivany. Our families were supported by hundreds of friends and fellow employees. On behalf of Hazel's...

Hazel Joy Coburn

My sister passed away peacefully on Saturday, April 21, 2007. She was battling cancer and other complications. Hazel's mighty, courageous fight came to an end after spending four months at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The family and I would...

Shangri-La Hotel – China Road Trip

We dined at "Jade" - one of the finest restaurants I have ever had the opportunity of attending. We are with our long-time supplier with whom we have worked together for almost 20 years. Their philosophy is the same as Sure Flow's: To continually improve quality and...