The Sureflow Blog

Dog Dayze of Summer

Sure Flow Equipment rises early in order to bring you the BEST customer service. As a customer, you deserve nothing less than the top notch quality of communication when searching for your perfect product. When I say perfect, I mean perfect. Quality is the single most...

New Family Member – ACER

I love the family of companions. As of Sunday I will have a Black Lab and two Golden Retrievers. The new addition “ACER” will spark up my life, PLUS the two old guys. Thank you to my great friend Kathy Hagerman.  On a business note, we have updated all our cameras on...

The Green Monster

The Green Monster

Fenway is not the only place with a Green Monster.     Sure Flow equipment has just custom fabricated this Tee-Strainer which called for a pretty serious paint job. Showing our diversity, we can take any job thrown at us! If you have a project that includes paint and...

Our Story! Inventory!

Our Story! Inventory!

I have always been proud of the resources we have! I can send countless pictures of inventory, we have it all! Tested, Recorded, Tested, We have it all!     Our countless “mission” is to supply quality and I, John Leonard Wordsworth, will not bend on quality. We are...

My Back Yard

I would like to reach out and tell you after 66 years of working, my staff are always there to support. We have re-shaped our thinking on freight policy, which will be a huge savings to you, our loyal customer. Remember my mandate is quality. I will not move the line...

Spring is Here

It is a simple blog -  purely laugh and look under the rain.   Love to all you and your family. John Leonard Wordsworth

Reflections of Today and the Past

A fistful of sullen rain cascades over my shoulders today. We are about to enter a new season. Our greater power allows us to visit all seasons whether the leaves are falling or blossoming. Life is so beautiful. Sure Flow is about people. We can sit on our porch and...


Never a better friend. Sleeps at the bottom of the bed every night. No strainer stories today; He has gone through a lot: Cancer and A.C.L. We will not give up. Love his singing in the morning, Hate to tell you, I lease my own jet for this WORDSWORTH FAMILY member....

No Weaky Leaks at Sure Flow

Every product that leaves the Sure Flow facility is tested and inspected. Sure Flow takes great pride in their quality of goods that they provide on a daily basis. The customers that receive these products can attest to this fact and recommend our product to anyone....

Sure Flow Birthday

Well I am 65 as of January 26 2017 Today is not about retiring. Today is about moving forward. Today is not about Strainers. Today I want bless and thank Sureflow friends. Thank you all. We will March forward Thanks to great friend Mr.Secret. I love my employees and...