The Sureflow Blog

So Why Is That Strainer So Red?

We’ve all come to associate red with danger… STOP signs, stop lights, fire trucks. The reason that red was chosen for things like stop lights is because it has one of the longest wavelengths in the visible spectrum of light. This means that if you’re approaching an...

Slow and Steady – the Goal is in Sight

Most of us can’t remember a year like the one we’ve had. Over our lives we’ve been blessed to live through relatively peaceful times, with economic growth and great choice and mobility in how we spend our spare time. CoVid has turned most of our worlds upside down and...

Oldies but Goodies

The CoVID-19 pandemic has altered the way so many businesses conduct operations, and we’ve had to make some physical separation between staff in our warehouse and fabrication operations and our sales and marketing staff. Hence, it’s been more difficult to keep up with...